Arleigh Burke IIA vs. YJ-18A
ASCM Hit Chance
To finish it off, let's check the chance of YJ-18A hitting Roosevelt, if it manages to get through her defenses. This is pretty simple, we just go to Antiship Missile Attack Table on page 8-15. First we find the table that corresponds with the targeted ship signature. Here is where Arleigh Burke's stealth building techniques will come in handy. Although she is Medium in size, her signature is Small, so this is the table we use.
Then we find set of rows corresponding to the generation of ships countermeasures. Looking at Arleigh Burke IIA's data annex, we find that its electronic countermeasures are 3rd Gen J&D, which means 3rd generation jammer & decoys.
Then we look for row corresponding to attacking ASCM's seeker generation, which for YJ-18A is 3rd.
Since Arleigh Burke is equipped with both jammers and decoys, we go on Seeker Gen 3 row to the last column labeled Jamming & Decoy, to find out that the hit chance of YJ-18A against Burke is 38%.
So on top of everything, only about one in three YJ-18A will not be spoofed by chaffs and jammers (if it is not shot down first) and hit the Burke.
So in order to be sure of at least one hit, assuming the worst angle of attack and Americans going all out on the salvos, 44 YJ-18As is the bare minimum that need to be thrown at Roosevelt in one volley.